Save Your Season With A Virtual Locker Room
Not sure if you want to coach your kid’s little league, basketball, hockey or soccer squad this year? Or maybe managing a team of adults was harder than herding monkeys last season.
If last time around left you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from trying to organize changing schedules, who can make it to the game and how they will get there… This year there is a tool that can save you from last minute texts and game-time chaos. It is a Virtual Locker Room with GetAssist.
Create a private Team Community for all coaches, assistants, parents or adult team members and have them download the Get Assist App on their phone. Use the following features to make your season run smoothly and help you stay in the game.
Add the practice and game schedule to the Community Calendar, so there is no confusion what day, time and location everyone needs to come together for. Community Members can even integrate the calendar with their own Google Calendar. If there are changes to the schedule, you can change it on the calendar and post it on the Community Discussion Board, there is no need to text everyone of the change, they will receive the notification automatically on their phone from the Get Assist App.
What’s New
The “What’s New” Section is ideal for quick and easy dissemination of information to the people who matter most – your managers, team volunteers, parents and players. In this section, only the Community’s Administrator can make posts. This is the perfect place for the Coach to communicate important updates to the team such as:
- Dates of try-outs
- Practice schedules
- Game time and location reminders with maps
- Permission forms and uniform order sheets for members to download, fill out and send back to you
- Videos and instruction materials for athletes to develop their skills throughout the week
Bulletin Board
The Bulletin Board is the ideal place for all Community Members to come together and share information that is important to the team. Promote team bonding in a safe and private environment. Anybody can post to or comment on this section as long as they are a member of the community.
Share valuable information such as:
- Team fundraiser details
- Team picture days
- Tournament information
- Real-time uploads of photo and video highlights of the game
Discussions / Events
The Discussion Section is the place for Team Community Members to get together to discuss and decide all things team:
- Decide on a team name
- Decide on the design of the new team jersey
- Organize a fundraiser
- Sign up for snacks
Any questions that arise can be posted as a Discussion.
The Discussion section is also a great place to ask for and arrange rides to the game.
The Get Assist app allows you to spend less time organizing and more time playing! So go for it coaches, this year’s season is going to be the most rewarding yet!