How Social Media #Fitspiration is Sabotaging Your Goals

fitspiration sabotage
We are a nation obsessed with weight. Even though we’ve gone from idolizing anorexic models to athletic fit-chicks, we’ve never taken the focus off weight. We only teeter between who’s carrying too much and who’s not carrying enough.
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Connect with Purpose: Social Media Done Right

Connect With Purpose
“Though there are many fewer newspapers, we all speak headlines now,” says Tom Leonard, District 93, Michigan House Republicans.

We live in an age of skimming. We skim through headlines, newsfeeds, magazine articles, school papers that come home in our children’s backpacks. Let’s face it—serious reading has taken a major hit. If it doesn’t catch our interest in the first few seconds or isn’t said in 140 characters or less, we grow restless and move on.
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how to increase your blog's reach

Simple, Uncommon Tips to Increase Your Blog’s Reach

how to increase your blog's reach
So you’ve got a blog. You’re really with it. But you’re still not gaining leads, increasing website traffic or making friends with the right people. This must be due to a lack of content on your site. That’s what all the digital gurus tell you, anyway. So you decide the proper course of action is to churn out more content and sit on your hands waiting for better results.
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How Your Old Clothes Can Make You Money and Friends

Organize a clothing swap on GetAssistRecycling is one of the best things we can do to contribute to bettering our community’s health. As community members grow more conscious of their environmental impact, secondhand clothing stores are seeing a big boom in shoppers, and clothing swaps continue to grow in popularity. Of course, saving the planet is one perk of cleaning out your closet, but there are more benefits you may have never considered! Today we’re revealing how you can use your old clothes to make some quick cash and some new friends.

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Can’t We All Just Get Along? Tips for Living in an HOA

It doesn’t matter whether you like or hate the rules, once you buy (or rent) a home that is part of a community association, you’ve signed your fate. You now live under their Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)—a legally binding document that dictates the rules for living in a planned community.

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The Must-Have Tool for Parents Going Back to School

The term “nontraditional student” may no longer be relevant. According to studies released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), adults going back to school make up the fastest growing demographic in education across the country.

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Examining Common Factors in Unorthodox Paths to Greatness

embrace your personal path to success
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

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11 Smart Money-Saving Tips to Save Without Sacrifice

GA_Blog_HomeMaker-Money-SavingRemember the old adage; money doesn’t grow on trees? Well as much as we’ve grown in the fields of science and agriculture, we’ve yet to figure out how to grow money in our own backyards.

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How to Become a Social Butterfly Online

How To Be Social Online
We’ve all heard it, and we’ve all suffered a panic attack (or two) over it: social media can make or break your business. But what if you’re not very fluent in social-speak? Don’t despair, read on!
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5 Steps to Taking Real Estate Photos That Bring In A Sale

GA_Blog_SoldAccording to the old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words. But if it inspires a buyer, it’s worth so much more.

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