Forging Your Company’s Bold New Path

how to start a business in a niche market
Every year, hundreds of people launch new businesses, with most of these steering toward existing categories. The speculation here is the bigger the market, the greater the opportunity. The principle problem with this thought, however, is that more than likely there is already a King in the marketplace, and it’s nearly impossible to dethrone Kings.

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How to Use Music to Immediately Improve Your Productivity

Music plays a major part in many of the things we do every day. An upbeat jam can give us that extra push we need to finish our 3-mile run, a crowd-pleasing song almost always accompanies a group of fans cheering on their team, and a familiar tune can bring back a heartwarming memory. Certainly, the right song at the right time enhances our lives. So how can music improve our productivity?

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How to Create a Personal Mission Statement











The most successful individuals in the world share many commonalities. They’re passionate, they wake up early and they constantly strive to better themselves. And in order to do these things, they must first maintain a high level of focus on who they are and where they want to go. This is where their personal mission statement comes into play. Amidst the noise and conflicts and distractions that come along with everyday life, their personal mission statement serves as the common thread that hold them together and keep them balanced. It is what can separate the good from the great.

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Get kids moving

Keep Kids Moving – Their Future Depends On It

Get kids movingAcross the world, the consensus is that youth sports and exercise needs to be a bigger part of our children’s lives—Particularly in the lives of those children who spend too much time in front of computers, video games and television.

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The Difference Between Leading and Dictating

The difference between leading and dictating
Today’s workforce is incredibly different than the workforce of five years ago. The world’s largest and most influential companies are realizing that compensation isn’t the only factor that keeps their employees happy. The leaders of companies like Google, Air BNB, and Facebook have taken what some would consider a radical approach to leading, and their moves have created a generation of workers who value collaboration and communication over compensation. Inspiring this type of work starts with inspirational leaders, not overbearing bosses.

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Savoring Moments You Didn’t Know Deserved Celebration

Have you ever had one of those perfect moments in life when everything seemed to just click? Or maybe a dear wish came true? They say those are the moments that memories are made of. Well, granted, some moments in life are more heartfelt than others, but each one is worthy of our appreciation and gratitude for one reason or another. And all too often, magic moments go unrecognized. Here are 15 Ah-ha moments that we think deserve to be added to the memory jar:

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4 Major Marketing Campaigns You Can Mimic for Your Small Business

4 marketing campaigns to mimic
Yes, we already know you don’t have the budget of the world’s heaviest hitters, but their marketing campaigns are successful for a reason. Learning from the best, and finding key takeaways that you can make work on a shoestring budget is always beneficial. Here are four wildly successful marketing initiatives that you can dissect and garner ideas for your own small business.

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Work Smarter, Not Harder With Time Blocking

how to be more productive with time blocking
As the saying goes, we all have the same amount of hours in our day as Beyonce. So why does she have a crazy successful music career, fashion line and Instagram following—all while serving as a loving mother and wife—while you’re stuck trying to get through your workday alive?

We’re betting it’s time blocking. Time blocking is the ultimate productivity hack. Like, if you need one productivity hack in your life and nothing else, this would be it. So, what is time blocking and why have you never heard of it? We’ll tell you. Time blocking—also known as The Pomodoro Technique—is touted as the best tool to prevent burnout. Read on to learn more about time blocking, and how you can use it in your own daily life. We can’t promise you’ll hit it as big as Queen Bey, but you never know!

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Why You Absolutely Must Utilize Video Marketing to Lead the Pack

video marketing
If you subscribe to the age old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” then some simple math can lead you to a thought-provoking new take on the saying. Given that a video shoots at 30 frames per second, it could be said that a single second of video is worth about 30,000 words. This means that a video coming in at a meager one-minute length is worth 1.8 million words.

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How GetAssist Can Help Solve the Issues of Non-Profits

how GetAssist can help non-profits
Social media is a game changer. In the days of print, those who had the highest budget won the battle for business.
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